Welcome to the Jackson County School District Nine Department of Human Resources Web Page!
Congratulations to all of our employees and the energy and effort of the “Attention 2 Attendance” project! More importantly, congratulations to our students and parents. Simply by “showing up”, our students are improving their own education and future! Way to go JCSD9!
We are very proud of our employees in JCSD9, and we believe it is our job to make sure that our employees have the best experience possible while providing an outstanding education for ALL students in our district.
It is our goal to continuously earn your trust and loyalty by consistently delivering great customer service. If you have questions about your employment here in JCSD9, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Ask questions! If we don’t know the answer, we will find the answer. Our department is committed to providing information to our employees, and improving our service to you. Why? Our top priority is students! We believe that by making your job easier, the students will reap the benefits.