Arts Education in America
Over two years ago, when the President and the First Lady first arrived here at the White House they were adamant that they wanted the arts to be alive and well…
Time Education Article
November 3 issue began getting heat about a week ago when the cover blared, “It’s nearly impossible to fire a bad teacher.” Union leaders and teacher bloggers ignited…
Art Education Degrees Online
Elementary and secondary art teachers everywhere are invited to explore the University of Missouri s newest online master s degree – in art education. This 32-hour…
Math Education articles
A word problem about a fictional student named Jack had put Mr. Severt, of Cary, N.C., over the edge. It asked students to look at Jack s notes,including a number…
Arts Education Budget Cuts
“With the push from NCLB to focus on testing, arts and education are treated as if they’re not compatible, ” says Jamie Myrick, an English teacher at Adams. “People…
Education in the US articles
Featured Author: Dr. Rosanna Pittella Rosanna Pittella, MA, PhD abd, is an ethicist who based on studies of Piaget, Kohlberg, and Gilligan, developed a unique theory…
Arts Education funding Cuts
In NCLB: No Chance for Latinos and Blacks, I wrote about responses to test score pressure that have been a disservice to children. One of those responses, cutting…
Art Education films
The Cinema Arts Centre is pleased to present its popular Film Arts in Education screenings for schools in Nassau and Suffolk counties. As ongoing community outreach…