The MA Programs in Art + Education aspire to transform the landscape of the field through a radical approach to visual arts education and artistic practice. With a special focus on contemporary art and its social context, the programs position the artist-teacher as cultural producer, intellectual, and activist able to work in schools, museums, community-based programs, alternative educational sites, and in the public realm. Our programs combine aspects of contemporary art, critical pedagogy, and social activism, preparing students to be innovative researchers and persuasive advocates for the arts in schools and society.
See examples of student work: Certification and Community Practice programs.
Informal information sessions will be held at 6:00pm, at 34 Stuyvesant Street on the following dates:
Art + Ed Certification Programs: October 22, December 3, & January 21
Art + Ed Community Practice Program: December 10 & January 28
Plus, on Friday, November 6, there will be an information session for all Art +Ed Programs 5:00-6:00pm, followed by a talk by Martha Wilson, artist and founder of Franklin Furnace, from 6:30-7:30, and a reception with current students.
MA Teaching Art
(Initial Certification)
For aspiring teachers, this program leads to eligibility for New York state initial certification as a teacher of Visual Art, all grades (K-12). The 33-credit program combines a strong foundation in critical pedagogy with a solid grounding in practice, including experiences teaching in NYU Visionary Studios and both elementary and secondary classrooms.
MA Teaching Art
(Professional Certification)
The coursework in the professional certification program is designed for students who already have an initial teaching art certificate and wish to pursue graduate training that positions the artist-teacher as cultural producer, intellectual, and activist. The 30-credit program is tailored to student interests allowing them to take courses in the various schools and programs at NYU.
MA in Art, Education,
and Community Practice
This interdisciplinary, non-certification program combines coursework in contemporary artistic practice, educational theory, and social activism to prepare artists, educators, designers, community organizers, and other publicly situated activists to work within community-based settings, museums, NGOs, or broader public and civic contexts to initiate social change through the arts.