NEW LONDON, Conn. (WTNH) — Two New London High School students have been arrested after they allegedly brought a fake gun to school, prompting a 40-minute lockdown Friday.
School officials say a student reported a fellow student had a gun in the school, and the building was placed in lockdown around 11 a.m. New London police searched the school and found the student had a toy gun capable of firing plastic pellets.
Two male students, one 14-years old and the other 17-years old, have been charged with carrying a dangerous weapon and second-degree breach of peace. Both were released to parents with a summons to appear in juvenile court.
New London High School Principal Tommy Thompson says he was proud how the whole situation was dealt with, reading the following statement over the intercom.
I want to thank all of you for responding in a serious manner. There is no doubt there will also be opportunity to grow and get better from this experience. A special thank you…to some people that will remain anonymous…you are the heroes for reporting and sharing information. If the weapon was real, you could have possible had saved someone’s life. We have notified all parents through the automated phone system and explained what happened just as I have to you. There is no doubt that people will have questions…but what I will focus on is how proud I am of how we followed procedure, that students that stepped up to the plate, and that we worked as a team and as the family I have come to know and love.”