Tiny Steps Educational Center

Portland Community College

Small businessCLIMB delivers professional training and business development, backed by the experience and size of PCC. Wherever you are in your career, CLIMB can help you take the next step up.

Whether you are a small business owner, a student, or an individual trying to break into the healthcare industry, the team at the Portland Community College - CLIMB Center is here to help you! CLIMB is an acronym that stands for continuous learning for individuals, management, and business. We are a division of Portland Community College and a small business development center that is dedicated to helping both new and veteran members of the workforce meet their goals and enhance their business. Whether you live in Portland, Oregon or you own a business elsewhere throughout the country, our continuing education program can help you develop the tools you need for success.

CLIMB offers a wide range of programs and options that emphasize different aspects of the business community. Just some of the services we offer include small business development, professional development, and leadership training. We even offer retirement planning services that are useful for both business owners and workers. Whether you want to start your own business and need some advice or you want to learn how to expand your company, we can help! There is nothing more important to us than making sure the members of CLIMB have everything they need to become successful.

When it comes to continuing education, CLIMB is one of the best options available if you live in Oregon. We have so much to offer to you, regardless of your current status. Even if you're not sure what type of business you want to own or which industry you want to get involved with, we can help. Browse our site to learn more about the CLIMB program and what it can do for you. If you are interested in signing up, give us a call today to speak with a helpful member of our team!

Melissa & Doug Melissa & Doug Deluxe Chomp & Clack Alligator Push Toy
Toy (Melissa & Doug)
  • Made using the highest quality materials
  • Tested to be safe and durable
  • Great fun for your baby and child
  • Helps children learn to walk
  • Sturdy wood
  • Brightly colored
  • Makes noise as child pushes
  • Recommended Age Rating is 1 year and up
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What time does joann's fabric in arcadia, ca close?

Joann Fabric and Craft Store in Arcadia, CA closes at 9pm Mondays to Saturdays and 6pm Sundays.

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Santa Anita opens at 10:30 today. Hours Mon. - Fri. are10:30am-8:30pm. 400 S. Baldwin Ave. Suite 231 Arcadia CA 91007 626.445.6255

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