Higher Education

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Higher Education in America VS Europe

What do the universities of the New World better compared to those on the Old Continent? WikiMedia Commons Nourishing the mother of studies: the seal of the University…

Challenges Facing Higher Education in America

The region’s higher education leaders address their greatest challenges and offer solutions The headline is the same across the nation, and it describes a seemingly…

Biggest embarrassment to Higher Education in American

I want to take the time to thank you for writing and telling me that I should be fired from my position as a tenured professor because I am “the biggest embarrassment…

Higher Education in American Statistics

Here are some trends you will want to know about . . . For the first time ever, more than 30% of Americans aged 25+ have earned a bachelor’s degree. That’s a big…

Commission on Higher Education

Legislators sunsetted the Commission on Higher Education Funding (CHEF) in 2010 and created a Pre-K-16 Council. A subcommittee of the Council is now responsible…