Art Education

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Art Education University of South Carolina

Students pursuing a degree in art education in the School of Visual Art and Design receive broad exposure to studio art, art history, art criticism and aesthetics…

Education Week articles

However, my colleagues and I learned things we thought people needed to know. We found that students’ mindsets—how they perceive their abilities—played a key role…

Art Education and Technology

Arts, Education and Technology Dr. David Perkins of the Harvard Graduate School of Education reminds us that, “technology in itself is neither good or bad, it is…

Art Education Doctoral

As part of a research one university, we offer a rigorous doctoral program that challenges you to redefine and expand the scope of art education. We will provide…

Art Education and Autism

Discover the benefits of this invaluable resource for teachers of those with Autism, Special Education and Exceptional Needs Educators, and Parents of the students…

Arts Education for Children

You don’t find school reformers talking much about how we need to train more teachers in the arts, given the current obsession with science, math, technology and…

Arts Education activities

These are expired guidelines. New guidelines will be posted in mid-December 2015. Arts education is vital to developing America’s next generation of creative and…

Arts Education funding Statistics

2012 Funding Levels FY 2012 continued the overall trend of decline. The federal government, states, and localities appropriated a combined $1.12 billion to the arts…